Thursday, May 03, 2007


The New Shit

Everything above will be me trying to keep track of what I do this summer. I am extremely lazy when it comes to writing and am going to be spending enough time at a computer between Poker, my work, and my econ class; so everything is going to be short hand and probably not very interesting (I know, a great way to get readers, wait do I even want readers =). Basically, I am writing in this thing again to keep me motivated to work out everyday as well as try to remember some interesting, fun stuff from the summer. I am in some of the worst shape of my life and it is depressing. My goal this summer is to run at least 5 days a week, work out every other day, work my abs in a 8-minute workout I found on youtube every day, and some other random stuff like some pushes up, etc. I may post pics of what my body looks over the course or I may save them for the end of the summer either way I NEED that threat of embarrassment to make myself get in shape again without money on it.
Also, I am looking to find someone to bet me $500 that I cannot give up ALL soda for the entire summer. I have a few people I in mind that I could maybe bet with and will let you know how that goes.
Finally, POKKKKKKKKKKER. Poker will be part of my life again this summer but I am not sure if I will be disclosing how and how much in this blog. Besides Poker I will be working on a HUGE entrepreneurial software design project for/with John. However, I will try to include poker in here in some form possibly just interesting hands and stories.
I think I am just going to edit a post with stuff from each day unless it is a really interesting day and I really feel like typing.

Kirk / IDareYou

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